
Friday, September 2, 2016

10 Thumb Rules every Entrepreneur should follow!

Below are some of the thumb rules to be kept in mind during / before the inception of any Startup.

1.) Don’t RUSH! Scaling should be gradual.

Always keep in mind, the scaling and expanding of the business should be a slow process and not a quick and rapid one, as otherwise it may result in collapse which did /does happen with many of the startups these days.

2.) Extra workforce does not necessarily means more Business.

Always keep in mind, extra workforce simply does not necessarily means that you will fetch more business from the market. The business may or may not increase, but before that, do make sure that you have sufficient money to pay their salaries and bear their official expenses.

3.) Don’t invest in Office spaces.

In the initial stages, it is not wise to invest in office spaces, rather than invest the same money into something more sensible, be it marketing, buying fruitful leads or anything else that could help you gain a grip over that niche segment in the market.

4.) Give time to your friends and family too!

Overwork sometimes is good, but if it becomes a usual habit, may lead to severe chronic and other diseases in the future. Remember, you also have friends and family in your life, which plays a very crucial role in one’s lifestyle. And not to forget, these are the ones who will always be with you, no matter what.

5.) Hire slow, Never fire!!!

Not every role that demands the need of an hour, should be taken into consideration. Do not over hire and also do not suppress the existing workforce, but try outsourcing the not so crucial tasks which can be avoided in the inception as a part of an in-house team. Reason being, if you can’t foresee any role for a longer period of time, try not to hire, rather outsource it.  Coz ultimately firing unnecessarily later-on just because you hurried in hiring, is something not viable for any company.

6.) Keep Calm and stay optimistic…

Though in the beginning it may be hard to crack the nutshell, have patience, if you have belief in yourself, nothing is difficult in this world.

There will be ups and downs,  there will be instances when you cannot foresee any growth of the company or yourself, but wait, who doesn’t have it in their lives or their profession.
Have patience and look at the bigger picture, be optimistic…. fruits will start blooming one fine day.

"When in doubt, beware." – Shashwat Mittal

       7.) Prioritise your things in Advance.

Schedule your to do list a day before or by early morning. Always organize the things based on the priority level much before they become a heck. Also add the same in the calendar which compels you to abide by it, so you don’t miss-out on anything!

8.) Treat every single employee with dignity.

Every employee, be it the CEO of the company or the basic clerk, treat every employee of the company with respect. No matter what, every individual is somehow or the other contributing in the success of the company.
Remember, employees comes first, not clients.

9.) Attitude over Skills


Attitude and confidence does matters. However, if attitude exhales, it may becomes devastating for any person or organization. The same needs to be put wisely into use, to make the most of it.
Skills can be taught, whereas it’s the attitude that determines your success. So, give preference to Attitude over Skills.

10.) Save for that rainy day….

There will be times when you be short on money and may have to take help from your colleague, friend or relative in terms of financials. Don’t give up, not every day is a rainy day. Your day will surely come when you no longer have to wait for other’s decision. In the beginning, do make sure not to waste even a single penny just like that., every penny saved today is a money earned in the future,  so save enough for that rainy day.

Remember, Slow and Steady wins the RACE.

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